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Equity in Motion

Equity in Motion offers a 50% discount off the cost of Marathon Weekend registration to individuals who are part of an underrepresented community or culture.  

Our vision at Twin Cities In Motion is to level the start line. We believe that ethnic, social, or economic status shouldn’t be barriers to a movement journey.

Equity in Motion exists to welcome and support those who have historically faced systemic disadvantages.  


By discounting the cost of Marathon Weekend registration, our hope is to promote social justice, equity, and inclusivity within our running community.  

If you identify as Black, Indigenous, Person Of Color (BIPOC), an athlete with a disability, transgender, a non-binary runner or are from another historically underrepresented community, consider applying to Equity in Motion.* 

Equity in Motion offers 300 discounted entries to any of our Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon Weekend events (excluding the Half Marathon for More charity event or Loony distances). Equity in Motion offers a 50% discount off the cost of registration to individuals who are part of an underrepresented community or culture.  

*If you identify in one of these groups but can afford to pay the full registration price, please consider others who may be experiencing financial hardship.  


What the Twin Cities Look Like In Motion

Frequently Asked Questions

  • TCM is committed to offering a diverse and inclusive environment for all who attend or participate in our events. The unifying bond among people who love running and active living transcends social, cultural, political, and economic barriers that too often divide our community.  


    Through this program, we are hoping to lessen the barriers that prevent historically underrepresented communities from registering and participating in TCM events. 

  • Those who identify with a historically underrepresented group are encouraged to apply. 

    Historically marginalized communities are groups of people who have been systematically excluded, oppressed, or disadvantaged and include Black, Indigenous, People of Color, athletes with a disability, LGBTQ+, low-income individuals and non-binary runners and walkers.  

  • The application will open on Tuesday, March 4th and will remain open until spots are filled. You will be notified within 2-3 business days.  

  • Equity in Motion offers 50% off the cost of registration for our marathon weekend events. These include, the Family 1 Mile, 5K, 10K, 10 Mile or the Marathon. This discount does not apply to the TC Half Marathon For More charity event or the Loony Challenges.  

    Registration costs rise as the event nears. Accepted applications will be offered 50% off at the time of registration. Remember, the earlier you register, the more you save! 

  • Follow the link to the form here.

    Once you complete the form you’ll be under consideration for this program. We will follow up with you within 2-3 business days.  

  • Unfortunately, no. We cannot maintain a waitlist.   

  • Consider applying anyway! We will still consider your situation. You can always email [email protected] to inquire.  

  • No. Our charity team spots are not eligible for this discount. 

If you have any additional questions about Equity in Motion, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. 

Get in Touch

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