Here's the opening video of Twin Cities In Motion's weeklong Basic Strength Jumpstart with Motion Expert Kristen Gerlach:
Why the Squat Pattern is Important
The squat pattern is one of the easiest to spot in real life—you use this pattern every time you sit down in a chair or stand up from the couch. This pattern involves alternating triple flexion and extension at the hips, knees, and ankles which is similar to what happens at these joints during running. Each running step is actually like a mini single leg squat. A beginners guide to squatting involves standing in front a chair and sitting your bottom back toward the chair as if you were going to sit down and then reversing the movement to stand back up, just as you are about to hit the chair.
Read Kristen's comprehensive introductory article about the Basic Strength Jumpstart here.

Kristen Gerlach, PT, PhD, is a physical therapist who specializes in working with runners. She is one of the team of Motion Experts TCM has gathered to help its subscribers and participants get the most out of their running. Have a question for Kristen: or website: