It’s officially summer! Even though we are only a few weeks into the official start of the season, now is a great time to start thinking about this fall’s Medtronic TC Family Events! With school being out, it’s also a great time to start noticing what your kid enjoys doing. I remember summers being filled with bike rides, soccer, and games with the neighborhood kids - all great ways to move.
If you’re thinking about signing your kid (or kids) up for a Medtronic TC Family Events race, start to notice what type of movement your child enjoys. Maybe it’s helping to walk the dog, running to the mailbox, biking around the neighborhood, playing on the playground, exploring a nearby trail or park, or jumping in the puddles after a good rain. You may also start to notice things they don’t like and that’s okay, too. There are so many different ways to move and summer is a great time to try new things.
Kids tend to be intuitive with their movement. If they like something they keep doing it, if they don’t they stop. As adult runners, we usually train ourselves to push through the discomfort. Sometimes this makes it hard for adult runners not to pressure kids to do something they don’t enjoy. With kids, it’s important to celebrate the joy of movement, regardless of effort, so they continue to enjoy it.
I’ve coached Girls on the Run for nearly five years and we focus on creating a mastery climate where success isn’t defined as winning or being the best. Instead, we focus on celebrating individual effort and improvement. I have seen girls come into the program with little to no interest in running and end up in an all-out sprint to the finish line at the end of season 5k.
One of my favorite mantras we use at Girls on the Run is “Forward is a Pace,” and as long as your kid enjoys moving forward, there is likely a family event for them. Check out all the options here.

Makara Fairman is a TCM Ambassador, RRCA Level 1 Certified Run Coach, and a Girls on the Run Coach. Follow her on Instagram here.