Kids 18 and Under Run Free at All TCM Events
Running and exercise offer proven positive outcomes for kids physically, socially and academically. TCM believes that active kids and an active next generation are good for our community's future.
Kids can register for in-person 5K and longer races. They will earn the same medals and gear provided to adults participating in the event and have access to race amenities.
Younger kids looking for shorter race distances can sign up for free 1 mile, half a mile and pre-K-appropriate races organized in conjunction with all TCM events!
Supported by
TCM Members
Youth running has long been a TCM nonprofit mission priority. The organization introduced its first youth race at the 1987 marathon and has grown its programming over the years.
When you donate to TCM or become a TCM Member, you are helping grow this program and ensure that our communities stay healthy and in motion.

Kids In Motion

Kids ran free in inagural year

> 18,000
since 2022

"Having 18 and under run free was so wonderful...This allowed more families to come out for the day, have fun, and sign up for future events."
Turkey Day 5K Participant
"I like how inclusive these events are of runners of EVERY age and ability."
Marathon Weekend Family Events Participant
"My daughter felt so proud to run the mile, earn the medal and go back through the whole post race experience just like I do on marathon day! "
Marathon Weekend Family Events Participant

High School Running Shoe Program
In order to keep teens participating in healthy activities without worrying about financing their equipment needs, the High School Running Shoe Program provides running shoes to high school athletes in need, who are participating on high school cross-country or track teams.
With the help of local running shoe stores, TCM provides free donations of shoes to those that attend school within the 7-country metro area of the Twin Cities. Certificates are valued at $80. They are provided to High School Track and Cross Country Coaches to pass along to their athletes confidentially and will be distributed at the coach’s discretion.